What a load of rubbish

20.01.23 08:57 AM - Comment(s) - By Admin

`What a load of rubbish` is a phrase that can often be heard today: maybe during or after watching a TV programme or movie or reading a book, and it`s certainly something I said a lot when I’ve been watching my football team play of late. Periodically during 2022, `what a load of rubbish` would have been on people’s lips and now in this early part of 2023, I`ve already said that phrase a lot too.

It was certainly something I said during and after Christmas because we do accumulate a lot of rubbish during the festive season, whether it’s the: used wrapping paper, leftover turkey and trimmings, damaged decorations, Christmas cards, a real Christmas tree, opened Christmas crackers and much of the items inside the cracker too, food and general waste. Binning the rubbish is a daily chore but especially during and after the Christmas period. If we aren’t careful, rubbish can accrue very quickly and bring unwanted smells, animals, insects and health issues too.

This can also be said of our Spiritual lives as every day we are collecting rubbish from things we watch, do, look at, listen to, read, as well as from harmful relationships or friendships, bad habits, misplaced priorities or idolatry and before long we have accumulated a lot of garbage that needs disposing of. Furthermore, if we fail to do so, our Christian walk and our relationship with Jesus can be severely hindered and very damaging.

But `binning` the rubbish takes effort, like it does at home, but if we are to be `free` to live the life that Christ wants for us especially in 2023, then periodically, we need to throw out the rubbish. At the start of this New Year, I want to encourage you to get rid of all that is impeding your Spiritual walk and aim to live 2023 `clutter free`. As we know, `rubbish` is everywhere, so you may need to ask God to; `create in you, a pure heart` .

Blessings. Pastor Steve                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

REFLECTION What rubbish is messing up your Spiritual life? What`s beginning to `smell` a bit? What’s deceiving you and irritating Jesus or even just hampering your life? What needs to be chucked away for good?    


`Live 2023, Clutter Free. `

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